Weight Loss, Wellness & Winning



Get ready for an incredible experience with us, where the level of support remains unparalleled, no matter what you pay! That's right, we firmly believe in offering everyone the absolute best support they deserve, regardless of their budget. So, whether you're paying a little or a lot, get ready to be blown away by the quality of care we provide.

We want you to dive headfirst into our program with exhilaration and confidence! It's not just about following a "diet" and being left on your own. Oh no, this is a real relationship we're building here. We're in this together, every step of the way. Our dedicated team is here to uplift you, inspire you, and empower you to reach your goals.

But hey, remember, even in this incredible partnership, it's okay to ask for help when you need that extra push. We're here to be your cheerleaders, your motivators, and your problem-solvers. So don't hesitate to reach out whenever you need that little nudge in the right direction. We've got your back!

And guess what? The first 30 days are absolutely crucial to your long-term success. This is where we lay the foundation for your amazing transformation. So get ready to unleash your potential, because we're about to exceed your wildest expectations!

Join us now, and let's embark on this exhilarating journey together. It's time to embrace the excitement, the motivation, and the support that will propel you to new heights. You deserve nothing less than the best, and that's exactly what we're here to deliver. Get ready to crush your goals and transform your life starting today!


Taught by Kim Dahnke, Certified Shibboleth Instructor

Course for Beginners & Refresher for All Members

Unleash the Power of FOREVER:



You Decide What To Pay!

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey that can change your life forever! We're excited to present you Shibboleth's Fast Track System, a gateway to your incredible transformation. This isn't your typical weight loss program - this is a life-altering experience that guides you down a path leading to a better, healthier you.

Imagine what it would feel like to shed up to 10% of your body weight within your first month. With seven easy laps that only take minutes to complete, paired with powerful videos to set the right nutritional foundation, this dream is well within your reach - and we guarantee it!

More than 40,000 individuals have already revolutionized their lives and achieved their best bodies using our groundbreaking Fast Track System. The reason is simple: we're different. Our unique principles, distinctive food formulas, and hands-on approach to nutrition education and behavior modification are like nothing else you've encountered before.

You might be wondering, "What's the catch?" Well, here it is: the Fast Track System is so simple and straightforward that people often overlook it. But stick with it, follow our easy steps, and you're guaranteed to reach your weight loss goals.

We understand that the road to a healthier lifestyle can be challenging, especially when resources are limited. As a mission-driven, faith-based program, we've strived to make our high-value program affordable for everyone. Moreover, we've carefully crafted it so that everything you need can be sourced from your local grocery store. We're not asking for a complete overhaul - just simple pivots to make a huge difference in your body and health.

Don't just take our word for it - the proof is in our vibrant community of individuals who've achieved real and astounding results. We believe everyone deserves this opportunity, and we're determined to make it a reality. That's why we've chosen to do something unprecedented: for a limited time, we invite you to pay what you feel is fair. We genuinely believe in the immense value of our program, worth well over $275 for a seven-week journey. But now, you can decide what it's worth to you

Our heart's desire is to help you start living your best life. Take the first step towards a radiant future. This isn't just about weight loss - this is about a whole new lifestyle filled with joy, health, and confidence. Join the Shibboleth family today and let's begin this remarkable journey together!

Taught by Founder, Travis Martin
A Deeper Dive into Understanding Nutrition

Unleash the Power of FOREVER:



You Decide What To Pay!

Brace yourself for the next exhilarating phase of your transformation - welcome to the Shibboleth Journey! You've blazed through the Fast Track, shedding an impressive 10% of your body weight in just 30 days. But the journey doesn't end here, it's merely the beginning.

Welcome to a voyage that is not just about losing weight but a wholesome transformation of mind, body, and spirit. With the Shibboleth Journey, we're not merely handing you the tools for change; we're teaching you to wield them effectively on your own.

Remember the old adage - give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach him to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime. That's what this next chapter is about. It's time to learn why you're making these changes, and how you can sustain them for life.

We understand that everyone's needs are unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach won't cut it. That's why the Shibboleth Journey dives deep into the art of personalizing your lifestyle. No matter your life philosophies, daily schedule, or food preferences, we'll guide you toward a program tailored to you.

Envision a lifestyle that's practical, sustainable, enjoyable, and filled with variety. Yes, you read that right - enjoyable! You'll be thrilled by the doors that open up for you, allowing indulgence in Shibboleth-approved delicacies like ice cream, chips, and pizza, all while continuing your weight loss journey!

The Shibboleth Journey is a high-value program, a treasure trove of guidance and support that could easily be valued at over $1,000. However, as a faith-based initiative, we want you to decide what it's worth to you. Your transformation shouldn't be a burden, but a blessing. But do consider the unparalleled level of personal care and support we provide - these are investments in your wellness journey.

Taught by Founder, Travis Martin
Advanced Body Transformation Concepts

Unleash the Power of FOREVER:


THE TIGER'S EYE-($497 Value)

You Decide What To Pay!

Why is this part of your journey referred to as the Tiger's Eye Course? Because it's all about developing that fierce determination, that "eye of the tiger" that you'll need as you stride confidently towards your goals. As you continue your wellness journey with us, we promise it will only get better.

You're not just losing weight, you're gaining a newfound love for yourself and an appreciation for your wellness journey. From starting with your back against the wall, you're now eagerly embracing your transformation and setting even loftier goals.

Here at Tiger's Eye, we're focusing on full body transformation, because why stop at looking good in clothes when you can look fantastic without them? We'll introduce you to innovative concepts and proven hacks to get your body in the fittest shape it's ever been in. From aerobic and anaerobic activities to cutting-edge wellness topics like autophagy, intermittent fasting, inflammation reduction, and cholesterol control - it's all part of the journey!

We're eager to see you in class, eager to hold your hand and walk with you on this incredible journey. You're worth the effort, and we're thrilled you've found us. Indeed, it seems the stars have aligned, leading us to embark on this transformative journey together. So, seize the moment, unleash that tiger's eye, and let's conquer your wellness goals together!

Get Started Today


As soon as you complete this form, our team will be notified that you are ready to begin your journey. You will get an email with a link to a live webinar schedule so you can jump into as soon as possible! Come listen live and let us know you just joined so we can welcome you and celebrate the beginning of your new lifestyle!

Within 24 hours we'll be contacting you to make sure you know where to find the daily lessons, food libraries, meal plans, restaurant guides, etc. On the first day, we'll show you how to use what you probably already have on hand to begin your first "perfect" day.


You have a special invitation to select how much you want to pay. You have the freedom to choose the value you place on your transformation. It's not about how much you pay; it's about the unwavering commitment we have to provide you with extraordinary courses and unwavering support, just like we do for everyone else. 

In this incredible endeavor, I have absolute faith in the Lord and in your heartfelt generosity. Your contribution will not only aid my dedicated team but also fuel our efforts to propel you towards your goals and beyond, regardless of your financial capacity. We're not interested in what's in your pockets; we're interested in capturing your heart and igniting your passion for change. 

We strongly believe that every individual with the desire to transform their life should have the opportunity to do so. It's not about limitations or restrictions - it's about inclusivity and empowering you to go after and embrace the life you envision.

So, get ready to take part in this unique invitation, knowing that your decision will make a profound impact not only on your own journey but also on the lives of others who share your aspirations! Together, we'll create a ripple effect of positive change that will touch countless hearts and souls.

It's time to seize this extraordinary opportunity and embark on a path of growth, fulfillment, and boundless possibilities. Let your heart guide you, and let's make magic happen together!

Please select the amount that best works for you to begin your Shibboleth Journey on Step #2:*

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